‘In the beginning was the Word’: the importance of words in system design

At this time of year, the Gospel of St John is often used in the context of Christmas celebrations. Its opening sentence, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”, is almost as memorable as it is magical and perplexing.

I’m attracted to that central concept of ‘the Word’ as a beginning. Not in the sense of biblical mystery or wonder, but more in terms of the importance of words as a way to start describing human activities...

2024-12-09T13:01:10+00:00December 9, 2024|

From Total Football to ‘total IT’: how a ‘radical’ approach can benefit the beautiful game and system design

In this blog, I reveal the surprising connection between the Total Football philosophy and my work in system design and development...

2024-10-16T12:54:48+00:00October 16, 2024|

Why ‘Just Do IT’ is anything but when it comes to system implementations

Watching the Paris Olympics, it was hard not to notice the athletes’ sponsors. Product colours have become more prominent, advert locations are more diverse, and placements are more orchestrated.

But perhaps most remarkable is you can now identify a brand simply from its logo or slogan, thanks to familiarity with the company or organisation...

2024-08-16T16:34:10+00:00August 16, 2024|

Why artificial ‘intelligence’ is better than artificial ‘knowledge’

Today’s artificial intelligence (AI) services are remarkable things. They can write. They can draw. They can even speak. And thanks to their training on large volumes of data, they can produce answers to a wide variety of questions.

2024-05-24T16:21:28+00:00May 24, 2024|
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